Monday, April 26, 2010

Let's Light This Candle!

We're outta here!  Yesterday was practically a full-blown tech day*, with three oil changes over the weekend, my man Buckster and Polo showing up at the house to harass me a little bit, and Buckster, unable to help himself, wiring up Joe's extra LED tail/brake lights, the Dave and Garin, father/son team, arriving on the Suzuki V-Stroms in time for us all to go out to the Salt Lick and destroy our girlish figures before returning to the house and changing perfectly good oil to soothe pre-trip jitters.

Had the typical pre-trip fitful night's sleep, and am now up before the damn coffee maker set itself off automatically.

I must say, I'm happily surprised at the general level of congeniality of this disparate band of travelers.

Joe, a lifelong California resident, is picking up Texanese fairly well, able to master "y'all, all y'all, yourall's, even all yourall's, overcame early confusing of "fixing to", as in "I'm fixing to go change old Jim's oil for him down in the grodge soon as I finish this cuppa coffee," but seems a bit stumped by "eat up with," as in "raht now mah grodge is eat up with BMWers", or "I hear thet road to Monterrey is flat eat up with head-chopper-offers."

And so the adventure fully begins....hasta la vista, babies.

*This blog is being written to various audiences, including family, friends, and many motorcyclists.  Thus there will be motorcycle jargon tossed around fequently, which may confuse some non-riders.  I was fixing to explain all the terms as I went along, and realized no one would care, so when you get to jargon that's unintelligible, just skip over it.

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